Museu do Trajo do Algarve

Algarve, 19 is a network of museums in the Algarve, Rede de Museus do Algarve and is busy compiling a very special exhibition and the museum
do Trajo de São Brás, as an integral part of that exhibition, will be covering the romantic period and the 19th Century in the
Algarve. This theme will be presented as a tour of intimate family, social and working scenes of day-to-day life in the Algarve of that
time. A different way of understanding contemporary algarve by focussing on some characteristic traits that have persisted up to the
present day. Everyone is invited to accompany the development of this exhibition by visiting the site.

The english version of our Museum's web page is in construction.
While it is not finished, some parts might remain in portuguese language. Our apologises.
Contact the Costume Museum
Built by Emanuel and Teodoro Last change: 22-02-2010